Thursday, July 2, 2015

Pick Up Day!

     As I pull into Heart Camp, I am so excited to see my sweet girl!  Her fun filled week at Heart Camp has come to an end!  As I park, I hope she'll be excited to see me, and give me a giant warm hug. 
     Luggage and medicine are first on my pickup list, afterwards it's off to pick up my little blonde.  
     Finding myself walking quickly back from the car, I have reached my destination.  Pushing the door open I'm consumed by the noise of heart kids everywhere.  My eyes start darting around looking for my sweetness in black framed glasses.  Heart a pounding, smile plastered on my face with anticipation, I found my target.  Observing for a minute, I see her glowing face.  She is laughing, talking, and bonding.  Her demeanor is different.  Her body is relaxed, she smile doesn't look forced, and the group around her is receptive to her.  Still standing there I am in awe of my sweet girl, and so happy to see her surrounded by acceptance!  I realized that for the first time, I am truly witnessing my daughter being a typical teenager.
     With the typical teenager in full effect I am not received happily.  Yep, no giant warm hug, no hey Momma happy to see you.  Nope, I get a why are you here? I'm not ready to leave!  Let's just say the next 30 minutes were not fun for either one of us.  Watching her eyes swell with tears as she hugs each gal at her table, and saying goodbye, I see she is saying goodbye to more than her friends.  She's parting from her comfort, acceptance, and her normal.  And entering back into the abnormal, judge mental, difficult day to day life.  Observing this makes my soul ache.
     I know I've said it a thousand times, and will continue to say it until my last breath, but Heart Camp is my daughter's saving grace.  This camp brings rejuvenation and spirit into my daughter that is clearly lacking the rest of her weeks.  I so wish Heart Camp could be more than once a year.  To see her emotions sore during this week makes me so joyous!  I may not be able to provide this missing link, I so wish I could, BUT I can give her a special week each summer to sore!

Blessings Until Next Time!

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