Tuesday, August 20, 2013

CHD Advocating!

      Who doesn't support their child in life?  I am sure no one, right!!!!!  How about advocating?  You say what's the difference?  Well....Supporting means willing to donate money, time, knowledge, as long as its a good cause.  Advocating is someone who speaks or writes in support of defense of a cause, or person.
     Advocating is so important for different causes, right?!  How else will you spread the word?  So why is advocating so important to me?  Congenital Heart Defects are!!!!

     My daughter was diagnosed with a severe Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) in utero, 12 1/2 years ago.  When my husband and I were given the diagnoses about our unborn child, I had absolutely no idea what it was, or what effects this heart defect would have on my child once born.  Sure I had heard about a lot of diseases, even childhood diseases, but nothing about CHD.  It amazed me to learn very early that 1 in EVERY 100 babies are born with a CHD.  It also blew me away to learn that Congenital Heart Defects kill more babies each year than all childhood cancers.  Even the weight of my child at birth has an affect on her life span. 
    How many parent to be, or new parents do you think about this? Not many if any at all I'm sure!   These were just a few things I discovered while pregnant.  As my pregnancy continued and my unborn child was diagnosed with more and more obstacles I realized something very important......How many more parents are going through this and are absolutely caught off guard and uneducated about Congenital Heart Defects?

     As my daughter has grown and encountered so many obstacles, health related and social, I have discovered she needs an advocate!  As her parent, I strongly feel that everyone needs to realize that children with Congenital Heart Defects may have some serious obstacles.  Some they many never be able to overcome, but if people aren't educated about this disease it won't ever be given the attention it needs and the funding for research to aide in assisting future Congenital Heart Defect children!  

     So I close with this very important question to you personally.  What are you advocating for, and how has it touched your life?

Blessings until next time!


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