Ever stopped and looked back at your life? Are you proud of where you are now....from where you were years prior? If you could write a letter to yourself and give it to your younger self...what life lessons would you pass on? Would you suggest new routes to decisions previously made? Hoping your younger self would stop, learn to pray, and realize those decisions made don't have to be made alone?
Why am I writing this....well there are several reasons! Before I accepted Jesus into my life, and heart, I thought life was all about me and my decisions. The world could be whatever I made the decisions for it to be. And boy did I make ALOT of bad decisions. I knew nothing about prayer, or knowing that I could lean on The Lord during my times of confusion and stress. Nope!! I thought that things happened by the cosmic fate of the world. The decisions made were because the world decided it for me. It's ok, you can say it.....I was naive and ignorant to many things!
When I began my faith journey I realized how much I really didn't know....not just about life, and myself, but about how my life could be different.....a good different! I have discovered many trials and tribulations along my way but, knowing I have God's grace each and every day makes the stumbles along my way not so terrible. I know what your thinking...really I do....what does this have to do with this blog and CHD? Let me share with you!
If I wouldn't have accepted Jesus into my life, I wouldn't have had the privilege to receive God's miracles! God loves to shower us with his miracles! He is proud to show us what he can do for us...simply because we love his son, and him! You know, I use to spend a lot of my time being skeptical and judgmental. Thankfully God saved me! God took me under his wings nurturing me and educating me. The result........... Cora!!!!! Cora is one of God's Miracles! God gave my hubby and I many miracles. The birth of Cora, the best surgeon to care for her during her 4 surgeries, and continuously breathing life into her weakened infant body! Without my faith in Jesus Christ, letting go of my fears and worries I wouldn't have experienced God's blessings and miracles first hand!
So......if I could write a letter to myself and give it to the younger me I'd write...." I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13
Blessings until next time!
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